Rites & Rituals

Let’s Get Ceremonial, y’all…

The use of ceremony and rites of passage are almost as old as humankind itself. Their use is not exclusive to religious or spiritual groups.

As facilitators of ceremony, we specialize in helping those in the gray area between religiosity and spirituality find and make meaning in their lives through non-culturally appropriative and unique experiences that cater to each individual’s needs and desires.

Set up a consultation below to find out more.



Pre- & Post-Natal Blessings

For the beautiful parent to be. Parenthood, whether it be your first, second or twelfth child, is an intense transition. Nothing remains the same. Your body, your life, your beliefs can all change drastically. These ceremonies honor and pamper parents and help their transition feel more smooth and deliberate.


Naming Day

Honor your child’s passage into humanhood. This can be a gathering of friends and family or an intimate moment between parents and child. The tone ranges from light and fun to spiritual and meaningful, and is customized to you to create the experience you’re looking for.

Shower Alternatives

You may have heard of blessingways, Navajo ceremonies designed to honor new mothers. As more and more parents become disinterested in traditional baby showers and desire meaningful ways to honor transitions into parenthood, these are becoming more and more popular. However there are many ways to celebrate meaningfully and authentically. Let me be your guide.

“The Best Day of My Life”

- Madi, Mother-to-be

Images by Wildwood Birthkeeper at Carolina Birth and Wellness in Durham, NC

Katherine placing her hand on the heart of a mother-to-be

* REIKI ADD-ON: I’m a certified Reiki I Practitioner. Reiki sessions may be added to any ceremony or rite of passage package.


What is a rite of passage?

There are many ways to define rites of passage. I define rite of passage as any moment or event intentionally designed to create a specific feeling. Most often that feeling will be honoring a period of transition and internalizing a new role, persona or way of life as a result of that transition.

During your free consultation, we’ll take a deep-dive into your desire for a custom rite of passage, what you’re looking to feel coming out the other side, your boundaries and limitations, personal beliefs and more. I then design and submit a proposal based on our conversation.

Because each rite is highly customized to you as an individual and your specific needs, no rite of passage will look alike. It may be done in a group setting, or one-on-one. In may be done in nature, in your home or elsewhere. It may carry with it a tone of levity or deep meaning and spirituality. It may take fifteen minutes and it may take fifteen days. Let’s chat and see what inspires us. Book your consultation.

Events to Honor Through Rite of Passage

What qualifies???

  • Breakup or divorce

  • Grieving the loss of a loved one

  • Graduation

  • Leaving or starting a new job

  • Birthdays or personal milestones

  • Relationship milestones

  • Pregnancy, Parenthood & Adoption

  • Menarche or other bodily milestones

  • Embracing your gender identity or sexual orientation

  • A desire for shift or release

  • In short, whatever you damn well please:)